Be Active
Sport is a vital element in developing healthy and active minds and bodies at Belhaven Hill and the children here are fortunate to benefit from games sessions every day in addition to their timetabled Physical Education lessons.
All boys play rugby, hockey and cricket while the girls play netball, hockey and cricket as their main sports each term.
There are, however, many other sports on offer at Belhaven Hill including: football, athletics, cross country running, swimming, tennis, golf and lacrosse.
Enthusiastic, well-coached teams of all ages enjoy an enviable record of success, often against much larger schools than ourselves. We aim to give every child the opportunity to represent their school in competitive fixtures each term and encourage all to reach their potential while endeavouring to push the more able to their limits.
Teams from Belhaven Hill have recently enjoyed great successes, winning regional competitions in seven a side rugby, hockey and netball. A remarkable number of individuals have gone on to be selected for representative teams or to win sport awards to their senior schools.
Each term ends with very lively and rather competitive patrol (house) competitions in the major sports in which everyone in each patrol participates.
Sport is alive and well at Belhaven Hill.
Games Participation, Coaching and Selection Policy
A Guide to Sport and Match Days